Tell us about yourself.
I am elf Sonja, the owner of Sticks & Stones. I live in the woods where even cell phone reception seldom finds us. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family including my husband Steve and two teenagers, Shelbi and Sam. I love to bead and knit but my favorite hobby these days is watching my kids play ball. They are so fun to watch, I don’t want to miss any of it as it will all be done too soon.
When do you usually like to put up your tree?
Tree… did you say tree? That makes it sound like we are only suppose to have one. I love decorating for Christmas and have accumulated many wonderful antique Christmas trees, ornaments, and other decorations. Sometime between the end of November and beginning of December my husband brings an entire truckload from the shed including a forest of trees and totes filled with goodies. It is so fun to see all the things after a year of being stored. We do buy one real tree also each year.
Who is the easiest person to shop for on your list?
Definitely my mom. She always has a list of ideas with great detail (sometimes right down to the UPC code). If it doesn’t work for me to get it bought she can do that too along with wrapping it and putting it under the tree. All I have to do is reimburse her. I think she’s in for a surprise this year…I totally fooled her and got something not on the list, hope she still likes it!
Do you do your shopping throughout the year, or do you save it all for the last minute?
I shop all the time, that’s my job. Throughout the year I shop for items to fill the store so everyone else can buy the perfect gift . Christmas rolls around and I say oh, what about my list of people? The scramble begins as I check out all the LOCAL BUSINESSES (had to get that plug in since it’s so important to me) for the perfect gifts.

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