Summer (bracelet) Lovin...

I have started this blog post over and over again, trying to figure out why I love these bracelets so much, they remind me of going away to summer camp as a child and making friendship bracelets for all my new friends, I can picture a groovy hippie girl riding around in her awesome VW Bus wearing these as well as a gnarly surfer chick with a rad tan, they scream summer to me, drive in movie theaters, picnics, popsicles, sandcastles, all those images ran through my head but, I couldn't pinpoint exactly why I fell so hard for a bracelet! I was just about to give up and write something simple like "Love these bracelets, perfect for summer...", but then it dawned on me, it isn't the images of summer that these bracelets bring to my mind that I love so much, it is the overall feeling that summer itself brings; carefree, relaxed and easy.
I plan on wearing a few of them stacked on my wrist all summer long, and I am even going to send some to friends, because you are NEVER too old for friendship bracelets!
I suggest you get some also as a little reminder to slow down and savor the summer... let the ice cream cone drip down your arm a little, splash in the pool and don't worry about getting your hair wet, roll down a hill and careless about getting grass stains, this summer be a little childish... wear friendship bracelets and enjoy the sun!

*but wear sunscreen....I said be childish, not foolish.

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